America during the 80’s, led by Britain, a hold on media that worked out well for the attackers, connived as a psychological race ploy selling the horrible mutilation of a white child as retribution for trying innocent black minors as adults in partial courts.   Key Concept with a SIDEBAR Highlight: The designers of this insane farce were mostly white European intellectuals in line with the Cold War’s most hostile villains, and yet, by turn of their screwtape, we are supposed to applaud just enough to swallow that JFK’s killers did in Saoirse, too, but in the name of the greater good, as an ideological demonstration project in the Bigfoot slipknot adopted by Seattle in the name of Warhol.   Bermuda Triangle, yeaugh.   

       Black psychology meant anything but attempt to warn.   Diamonda Galas crowed all through the 90’s things like if you wash we’ll be offended.   Restaurants all over society have signs that dirty hands spread disease, but they overlooked black psychology primed by white Ivy leaguers, by being contagion Warriors!  Warriors! The saints of reason can get to do what they think is right and make you scared of them. Anything but warn, anything but protect lives, anything but make sense.  Dia Galas snapped out at anyone who wouldn’t high risk to Cornell West’s biological linkage. Septic Warriors! Warriors! Morally cleansed by an anthrax attack.

      Anything but warn and protect society.  As it became clear as day that the attackers dreamed this up and set up a pyre in pornographic semiotics, the incessant lisp came thfo what?   You git dirty doing the dirty so n’you deserve it n’you dirty liberal. Thought you was going to be the golden example, man, they hymnal’d yonder.

       This was N’dorsed sacredly by Blacks getting in good with Hollywood.  Further, the Iran-Contra scam people accused everyone of failure to kiss the Flag if they didn’t go along.  Squirming, the usual liberals, Al Sharpton smiling with Trump, said we are good by the Flag and will help you beat the face in anyone shirks.   They missed something. Using Old Glory for a vicious apocalypse isn’t the real Flag, it’s a masquerade, but the faceliars are your fave raves, so what if that’s the Union Jack?

       In a functioning democracy, freedom of the press teaches you to love your enemies, in an insane and twisted society of deadly ultimatums and organized crime, it teaches you to fear the school of public life.

What are they going to do?  Keep it from us forever?

What are they going to do? Keep it from us forever?