A bowler where Chin took me said winking lewdly to me of her, “Good things come in small packages.”  I fumed and thought, “Santorum Country.” The comment gals me not only because Chin is legally a child due to learning disability and my only friend, this was the crowd that set upon little Jimmy as a hotly controlled counter-attack property being held against higher education, the attackers took to setting up encounter with a drama queen from NEVA Corporation to entrap Jimmy during severe trauma and undiagnosed concussion.  The Fundamentalists used entrapment to start following a 13 year old they mauled as though a deadbeat dad. Pretty low thing to do to a kid, don’t you think? The finger-pointing at a target isn’t just hypocrisy, it’s the inversion of a moral calculus into a control formula. Santorum, Inslee and Trump use the same weapon to de-focus in chat groups they hyper-moderate. You don’t poison someone in the mouth for cudda saved John Lennon.

     Not only is there deliberate ignoring of Wag Encryption, like the use of Two Virgins Honor Code in symbolism like Z-sin-ski, but they had me positioned for men with dogs named Tito and Yuri to appropriate the small, sentimental inheritance bequeathed me by his detractors by which to remember my old man, whose cashmere coat they fed to their dog.   They took to selling slanders about me to the Warhols, along with child pornography they made of me in hideous trauma. Typically, British carnage worshippers chose Carnegie for their outpost.