Russian who hung around with Prokofiev when Picasso was doing set designs for his symphonies and Houdini, basically held that cinema was a two dimensional metaphor for the world which in turn is a metaphor for the fourth dimension.  Daddy was heard by Japan before the war ended, he was loud and clear through the ship's radio waves, all of which adds to the significance of the situation.  Ouspensky is influential in European elites of the sort who see the human race as confused, expendable and subject to their own search for miracles.  I met a friend of his, old fellow, spry, when Fripp was inviting me places. named Pierre Elliot, one of the "Idiots in Paris" with Gurdjieff.  Not sure you care much about this sort of thing, so I will keep it brief, but I understood immediately when Valieva staged a Putin-sanctioned Pussy Riot in Beijing to take Fourth.  Ouspensky was often in Kharkiv working on The Fourth Way.  It's Eurogarch rationalizations but helps explain Trump's past popularity, the desire of masses to invent a miracle.
       Just another reason I dumped King Crimson.  I hate DW Griffith and this must have been the psychological foundation I expose in my revised paper (Dr. Proctor thinks it may be the only time CCAC has offered Ethnics 303 credit):