The play that no crime committed on campus in Pittsburgh by Rusted Root, Fox and Seattle was an offense because of the delerium theme that I cudda saved John Lennon but fell in love too deeply and too often came after Mt. Desert Island, where AIDS was proven an attack, premeditated and planned, accompanied by an alibi written by Peter Gabriel, Warhol and Ringo Starr for the war game operation of weaponizing AIDS as an instrument of slavery and execution, whereby a woman was ripper attacked and killed in loathsome demonstration by police and union agreement, this play, cudda saved John Lennon, in other words, came after the real bloodbath and was a simple, but effective call to silence in riot control that included the 911 abomination, shown to have been authored by those behind the AIDS attack, and yet adopted at the insistence of the NAACP and Queer Seattle for a symbol of the struggle by the victims.  In this jackboot of British authority, Ringo Starr stomped on every head that he felt like. Killing by AIDS was not just fun for the foreign English, they revelled in it, licky chops with blood thirst and glee.

       The inability to ascertain the facts was met with a mob pronouncement that individual differences of personality were null and void.  In the name of Lennon, Seattle demanded absolute conformity to a noxious, secret, deviant program evasion of which remains murder. The assassins, for example, set up the Country Doctor Health Clinic as a fortified compound where UW lispers could gather in secret to operate biological warfare under the pseudonym of hospital violence as a function of race rage propaganda.    What will they wipe on you, just wait and see, for questioning the plague mass rebels of Yoko Ono? Police will help them. Police are just as convinced that sacrificial bacon in the name mass emotional judgment proves you love and trust HitlerReagan your whole heart!

          You don’t want this testimony to exist, but it does.    The only man in the United States who needs and uses the First Amendment is the one who understands the evidence convicting the Beatles as the authors of the AIDS attack.   They called it: death seed on the Ian MacDonald album by King Crimson arranged around Aleister Crowley themes and the KKK sound released in 1969 on the heels of its promotion, the murder of Martin Luther King.   By sleight of hand thems British brilliantly arranged to call it a found script they used for art. Even when this was proved a deception campaign, which should have been the direction of questioning, the stupid Queers in Seattle insist that it is the only way, admitting they don’t care about AIDS, about its carnage, or about its spread, they just don’t care, hahahaha.   

        It’s one of those aunts and uncles, moms and dads, fun for the whole family routines.   Pass your partner do-si-do, kick the deaf boy, gestapo style, oh Mendel. The fact that the whole crime was a revenge by the Axis that began with the death of FDR filled Seattle Queers with glee.  They were in delight to be in cahoots with the avengers over a society they always hated, and Trump had promised them the divies. You may have wondered how Colin Powell was blessed with King Crimson cred, but Chris Hitchens cleared that up, because Powell covered up the My Lai Massacre in the US Army, this made him perfect for the race occupy surrounding Mi Yung Joo with a moral game of twister.   If you thought they were concerned about generational integrity, the validity of news reporting, or public safety think again, this was about the black man calling dibs and when the black man calls dibs, you know they are going to be going over the pussyball ledger with a fine tooth comb and scribbling between the lines. And best of all you can dance, you can be Yoko Ono’s biggest fan, cuz Midori Goto has announced that she prefers the exotic African man.   Say goodbye to JFK, Jacqueline Onassis is here to stay! Oh, Mendel.

        Gail Burstyn was never arrested by that don’t mean shit because Moshe he was on a train to Auschwitz and Leroy got a grievance mile high.   The South African Secret Service is just gonna let you upload Obama a while, let Mandela go and write sci-fi about the Moxyland put on. The inside wise men on the take to pink and crimzoid Crowley gizmology see beyond all them tears of pain.   

       The struggle against the predatory rationalizations that destroy civilization is an old one, and filled with the whimsy of tyrants and capitulaters.   Speak truth to power all you want to, power isn’t about to listen and the same futility attends speaking truth to the powerless. In other words, canceling an appointment so you can look over guidelines being sent to you by security isn’t prove of rape.    Poisoning someone who tried to get help from child mutilation from Amnesty International isn’t a rite of passage to National Sainthood. Jimmy Kennedy isn’t the walrus because Jimmy Crary was made too deaf to play. The Beatles started AIDS, the evidence is in the language mosaic.
