Q.  What necessitates a self-interview with you, Mac, on a Tacoma Saturday (8/21/21)?

  1.  Necessary would mean that there was some hope for fulfillment of an objective, I think that’s the wrong word.  I do feel better if the attempt was made to testify but the will to be advised is lacking among my peers.

Q.  Is that because you were diagnosed?

  1.  My performance in college was Honors level at the Bachelor’s Degree line.  I am addressed in writing by many prominent people who would ignore me if there was not an awareness of my aptitude.  Further the degree to which calling me schizophrenic served organized crime compounds questions of the legitimacy in that claim which never took deafness or neurotrauma into account, much less political violence no matter how obvious, but yes that is a tool.  Denial is a strong form of censorship.

Q.  How can you bear all the work you’ve done for decades in http://storychecksout.org being cold shouldered and ignored by persons who say they mean you well?

  1.  It’s all about them, really.  I did that work to advise them and warn them.  They tune me out for whatever makes them feel safer than understanding what is really going on.  It’s very sad for me.  How do I bear it?  The mind’s lens in this case is a privilege.  I understand what happened, so there’s a scholastic achievement involved even if it is unrecognized.

Q.   Since no one is going to read your blog with intent to help or rescue you and it is very involved material, what would you say to someone who read this interview?

  1.  Thanks for reading, I hope you stay safe and well.

Q.   What’s going on in this situation, what is a defining development, what is the situation with you right now?

  1.  Covid-19 blasted me out of college one class shy of my Bachelors degree.  This shows the degree to which the focus point of the situation gets dismissed as hype.  The arrest of John Shulman, who caused me to leave Pittsburgh for Seattle, for museum theft, which was reported in Smithsonian Magazine had no effect on compassion for me, despite that it should have caused outrage about what has been done to me, because the museum heist is still in powerful, powerful hands.

Q.  Where do you fit in?  Are you calling yourself a work of art?

  1.  They are, is the point.  NEVA Corporation who wrote the Burstyn/Warhol script that Shulman and men like Bill Cahill were party to for Trump (one of Shulman’s close associates works with a Trump speechwriter) were a violent child-trafficking porno giant with lawyers who specialize in droll stories about victims to turn on their markets.  Working with Neurobehavioral Research at University of Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon, Yoko Ono and Warhol, after advising me that their attorney Amanda Harcourt worked for someone who “loves” me, used spy cams to make porno for Seattle Art Museum perverts in the V.A. under the auspices of psychiatric surveillance.  They poisoned me repeatedly.  I warned people many times that they are using biologicals.  They murdered many, many individuals as a hostage-taking representation, among them Shannon Harps, Donnie Chin, Saoirse Kennedy and Richard Roehm, each of which murder was clearly directed by overt communications directly at me.  The umbrella operation is now the International Clubhouse program but the gaslighting towards me includes an iron bar they put down in front of a painting they persuaded me to donate.

Q.   How did such a criminally insane abuse of a deaf person just go unnoted?

  1.  You can find answers to such twisties in storychecksout.org  I’m destroyed, I have carpal tunnels, I’ve lived in terribly sad poverty and isolation for decades.  With school impossible in this region of the country I have not even one single friend to do sign language with me, not one, even though I’ve lived here off and on for nearly twenty years.  Social support doesn’t want me honored.

Q.   Do you actually believe Covid-19 was a parochial squad drawing a red line at your Bachelor’s Degree?

  1.   Yes.