The Truman Show was really about the AIDS attack.  The revenge weapon is Ultrahigh, a secret, held by Riback, Trump and Yoko Ono.  Truman, Ja/Trump/an, did more than drop the bomb, he also forbid invasion of privacy by J. Edgar Hoover when prying.   The Hollywood invasion of personal identity was devious. Trump’s Pittsburgh brigands impinged (their word) a claim of notorious slander on a hapless person.  They all knew they were lying about me, their idea was that it just doesn’t matter. The hapless was an object and utility function. I had nothing to do with it.  They cannot be trusted.

      After JFK access to occupancy in the White House has been construed as a war game.   Love Field was indexed to Sinfield, one of King Edward’s guttersnipes and busy wordsmiths in the psychorock band King Crimson.  In their bedlam of mayhem, they did a lot of indexing. Making a slob of the queerbait, they used a postal spy Slobodniak for index to Bernie Slanders.  I was a souvenir child from a ship from the US Fleet offered as compense to a bitter Japan and their bitter Ronin. The language of impingement was negated, of course.

      The incident with Alpana at Pitt was central to the AIDS attack.  It mobilized race as a weapon for the attackers. Bush uploaded Obama to declare it was him or me, totally unprovoked, as his partnership with Kasper was.   They called this John Lennon. It also uploaded the Green Party menace who declared against escape from the Contagio Socialismo of the operatio Bush/Ortega, parochial against not that kind.  McCartney, consummating confederacy with Paul Tierni (pronounced tyranny) while announcing his agency as proof of a fraud, lisped the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, backed by Oliver Stone, snickering no one gets outta here alive, and to this day they deny that Penis Gabriel is the mega-Jim Jones.

       Why did Pittsburgh so insist that they had the right to say they believe something they knew wasn’t true?  Why did they follow the cheerleading chant, “there is no such thing as objective reality only what the (sic. jury) (more sic. Claim they want to) believe all the way to chemical castration of poor Jimmy Creary in a forced entanglement with stalking by the criminally insane?

      The film El Norte depicts, without mentioning Vietnam, the resentment of a society that closed ranks around the idea that only the deserving should be rewarded with fame and fortune.  In it, morality leads to certain slavery. We should have identified these precepts sooner. We live under them now.