The strong force of terrible power and cruelty are a tedious element in the politics of the current situation that I will get to.   If you aren’t asking questions you are part of the blackout. While certainly it is easier for the Japanese to claim they are avenging John Lennon than to admit this has been about World War Two, they are no less susceptible to being fooled than the American society who joined forces with the British in their war crime of domestic terror against our heritage.   For the Blacks, unfortunately, a terrible bribe, hidden by a false explanation easy gelled with ancient grudge. For the turbine of the Council behind the attack this was manufactured to fashion and is being enforced by an evil red prisoner’s dilemma originating with the CIA who created Oswald as part of the war game, saying he was communist while making loud and clear he was a namesake of Oswald Mosley.   The information about the role of United Fruit and Gen. Walker in the murder of the Kennedys and King is what is being withheld from our school by our lackluster big media gone bogus.

      I am a disturbing intellectual presence among the brave and the berserk of the millenn(ON)ials.   You love that British asshole “Sir” Paul McCartney who would smile indulgently at you if you called him Sire, believing, as he does, that he half created the Earth.   We’ve heard from his sex-hate partner Patrick Buchanan about the cesspool of multiculturalism. It’s nothing compared to the cesspool of celebrity chauvinism. We should be grateful that legitimate police for all their faults don’t work in the manner of the Green Party, targeting innocent people in a symbol system designed by the authors of the AIDS attack who are behind both sides of the perceived feud, a game called Yojimbo.

     Promoting their brilliant mentality as an episode of Gummo they sent the mixed signals that they were unconcerned and unaffected, felt good about the AIDS attack and YET are the case managers for the aggrieved, myuh.   Don’t fix what’s not broken. MYAWK!