People knew me that I loved King Crimson, hitchhiked to St. Louis from Pittsburgh to hear one of the son of a bitches play, who cares? All prior sentiments are null and void. I need until Friday, I only have today. I am going to place this situation properly. The weasels have set up a long term secret online trial based on their own inventions which they are prosecuting by murder and terrorism. The rabid claim that I am “stuck with” this obscene and terrifying battle for my life with the hate criminal Ringo Starr because in their slogan minting I gave the attackers their pretext by a letter to Leslie Katz. I was entitled to a defense. I worked at Pitt with her parents for years and they never said anything through the authorities. The gall of King Crimson is the topic, not only using me for an obscene and murdering experiment, not only for raping a deaf girl, but at root, in their claims about character.
The rabid seeth about emotional intelligence. The truth is very bitter to me because the emotional intelligence was faith in them, and their explosiveness being harmless. That was character arrangement in which I mistaken placed my faith and trust. They were out to blow things up using me as a war toy.
Because the attackers clocked the murder of King on 4/4 to DD we know it is alpha-numeric and DG the film wizard is 47 as in the patient ronin legend of revenge. We know that Dia called me on Dec. 8, 1980. We don’t need to know everything. Denial and madness is what indexed the NAACP to the crime.
UW blew up my body lie after lie selling this shit.