Although I corresponded with Martha Gellhorn who lived in The White House with FDR and Eleanor for a whiles, I have never met a President of The United States of America.  My father did.  He served on the CVL-30 with Bush, was at Teachers College afterwards where he met with Eisenhower and introduced Gerald Ford at a talk in Bethany College where he was Emeritus.  I study ways not to meet them, to be perfectly truthful.  I didn’t like Reagan and have no power to surmount that aversion.  The only person I know to have met Jimmy Carter was Dr. Edna MacKenzie who was photographed with him, both happily, one day when she visited from the Community College of Allegheny County.  Dr. MacKenzie had a significant effect on my life.

        I expected a woman who would treat me as so many longtime faculty in Pittsburgh schools often did, as though a conniving individual.  It’s entirely possible that Dr. MacKenzie thought so, but she was a longtime associate of my mother, and although softened by being an elderly woman who drank away quite a lot of pain, as my own mother did, I was pleasantly surprised and relieved to find her graceful, informative, engaging and progressive.  The issue of James Earl Carter, which is the topic of this note, then emerges from a Community College where I was a bit of a home companion.

        JImmy Carter is the one who confessed to lusting in the heart and seeing a UFO, more or less under the cherry tree.  He is also the one of whom I am a namesake.  Although Democrat, he shared Olliver North with Reagan and was Southern.  He has another namesake, small world and the walrus, in James Earl Ray.

         Edna invited me once to Omoja.  Probably because her brilliant friend, Alice Greller, was having me talk to her classes about JFK.  Prof. Greller tore open our minds about Lincoln, who has a plaque in that area where he visited (an Jehovah’s Witnesses was founded, the old City of Allegheny) by explaining to us his opposition to child labor and robber baronage.  He also founded Gallaudet, the University for the Deaf.  His assassination, she said, led the way to the military industrial complex.  She was sincere, insistent and persuasive that had he lived we would today have a better world.

        This was all a long time ago, when they treated me as poor little Jimmy qwee, the Aquarian who wants a greenhouse built for the school.  They had other priorities.

         One of those priorities was to stick it to me with Lennon’s secret sacred murder mystery tour.  This involved a long series of Experimental Interrogation methods, pursuant showing that sins of the heart are the UFO of devil porno, and that the flinch of a neuroplasm is the lie, the bird.  Eno as J. Edgar Hoover.  In light of this, I present to you that Experiment Interrogation suggests more than devious, facelying cruelty of a deranged lifelong dimension,  It suggests an EI (D) Experimental Interrogation (Device).

        CMU who provided Rosa the hooker for the big Trumpytune JOB of glossing over the AIDS attack and making sure that Covid goes smoothly, wheedles in NASA, penisgabriel and laugh in the dark joke boxes.  They demonstrated assassination, rape on command, theft of rare books, intelligence war games, international crime, ideological mania, teleportation and other evidence that Clint Eastwood really wowed Proctor from Disney in Africa.

          It’s important to me, in a way, that Edna denied Sundiata tenure, who bucked Ming Na Wen and Obama in their deceitful persona about me geared to pussyball and Hollywood stakes like Fox theater and Shulman, that his mouth was lashed, gashed and he was shot in his car.  The story of me as an extrusion by Israelis of the genetic Irish racist from Squrl Hill was too important to the British Royalists to allow it to be shut down by a man who wrote, “Your admiration for Fanie Lou Hamer is obvious.”  Sad story.  He was just lille Saoirse.  Someone the wrong little chink loved dearly.
