It isn’t necessary for moral purifiers to make a politician out of me just because I complained about being deafened in political context naming names. They have huge swarms of people, many of them no-count, octopuses like the union of purse-snatchers, stalking me with the furious and escalating allegation, “He thinks he’s better than us.” All that means is that for crawling in destitution, in dealing with home-wreckers, identity criminals, child molesters, tyrannical Democratic Party coalitions, weird Hollywood goblins and rock stars, I never once spat in anybody’s soup. Jesse Jackson hears this and throws himself to the floor, furiously chewing the carpet, “He’s thinks he better than us!”
I celebrated Tet today with the former South Vietnamese in Seattle. Time doesn’t heal all wounds, conversely, inability to admit past mistakes leads to unhealthy habits. Knowing they were defending themselves and the United States is sufficient reason to appreciate them. There is about Nammies a tendency towards the psychosis of the former Ku Klux Klan. The problem that combination presents is one of the existential dilemmas of the American military.
Yoko Ono chooses from the world’s symbols like her husband Lennon would sprinkle a dash of cocaine on his dinner. If she wants ripper murder to be equated with putting flowers in the rifles at Kent State it is the sacred laurel wreath at Bitberg Belsen and you can’t say no, hehn.
Now, in evaluating the rabid we need to know what he has done. How did the rabid get Seattle to throw away all of our rights for a sophomoric snitty? They grew up as elitist drug pushers as see the use of the orem speculum for serious, permanent poison crime as love potion, making them moist with panty dew to forgive abomination. Despite the fact that Gay Plague was a misnomer, Seattle sought to privilege their victim status as a klan revival promoting the surreal insouciance of the unconcerned and unaffected in failure to warn and rampage for the truly guilty. The reason I believe the Democratic Party killed Donnie Chin for Yoko Ono is that I know that Kaine wasn’t a mutiny, it was a moral consummation, a deceit, who do they think they are fooling? Someone who read my papers, surely, not someone who wrote them.
Cheated of past empires which Ono promises them restored the Black man howl just making things up. Let’s watch as the Queerbait rages against his wifey’s deceptions MYAWK! They charted the dissertation from De De to Midori Goto, Roman Style for the challenge of Chow Yun Fat beheading the buddha and taking his bride who dotes on his Gladiator Fornication. This they call school.