Having read the taboo cipher we know that Lincoln was a Chinaman and FDR a pale, white hypocrite; these riddles are axiomatic and confirmed by immediate sniff, neither regarded for blasphemy nor loutishness by the convinced mongering their usual hatred of liberals for November Criminals.   Inside this formula, posited by the Holy Uniting of Lennon/Reagan under Oliver Stone’s Nammie soothsay, we find the proof of it by following the logic of Jimma queerbait. So let’s review the terms of the duel.

           Although the queerbait was picked off blindside by brutal armed klansman, the queerbait is a token white that the Black man has the right to regard for an object lesson, and thus the duel emerges not as a balanced concept of arms, but rather a non-Hitlerian reading of its own terms, again axiomatic and confirmed by sniff.    There’s always another explanation than the truth especially when the truth is an impossibility. Any Chinaman recognizes that extreme illogical posed as truth can only be its opposite so that under the terms of Imparadox, anything goes. Imparadox is the state of truth being impossible formulaically.

        Likewise there is only a race reading.   For example, it only makes sense to a Chinaman that relief upon seeing Black strangers in the night could be operant conditioning from having been rescued as a child while a gang of klukkers left those huge, ball-like welts on the forehead you get from being stomped on with rubber souls.    That will never get past Black Lives Matter.

       Examine their favorite who knows the Paradoxical Duel to be trust in subliminity, he hails from an agency, that only just happens to have violent bonds to both the Graham Foundation and Salk Research Labs.  He says he is fair, but he sees from afar away only the sinister absolute of the white bogeymonters he has conjured in seemingly innocent faces around him. In the white colleague he winces with foul reveries of mis-service past by hooded missionaries elsewhere, egged on now by John Stockwell, assuring him that no one is innocent.  While we research this connectivity we arrive at the namesake: Dia from Swid-Powell, indexed to Suid Africa and Colin Powell.

      So no one need ponder overlong Chikita Ngyguna’s bedfellows at Vniversity of Washington (VW), at least I donohue would.   The blindside duel is imposed, but the war game is the Holy Answer to the Imparadox.
