the eternal crime
Dede Obama Gallery
Play all aggrieved but Africans were in on the Plot.
Ivan Galt
Buck Hunters
The KGB's involvement in the hit on Kennedy
Dissertation (thesis statement)
Update Gallery
Snowden's Fief
On the Dementia of the Observors
All work copyright 2022 James M. Crary
You, the Living Dead
My Videos
The Ouspensky Mouse Glee Show
Leszel Commandos
The Mothers of Co-Invention
The Telltale Ultimatum
The Sleazebagtronic Mystery
He Got Something I Don't
The Chicken Evidentiary
A Review of Our Times
An Evaluation of Gunsmoke
Seattle Burzoid
Hollywood's Dialogue Machine
The Helix of Hypocrisy
Empty Subject
His Craryness
Double Schmorgasboard
Requiem for a Defsugguh
The Murder of David Amess
The Slink
Covid-19 and Operation Medicine Man
Commencement Address
Renegade Relay
Buckminster Fuller
Interview with Mac
A Blase Individual
Awaiting Results
The Rabid's Insect View of Human Nature
Tears of the white, THE WHITE!
Sisters myuh
The Ark Strategy
Penna Crow Association
The Caliguri Mendoza ine
The Fake Passport to Poetry
Nyat DCI
The Fine Print
What my friends will never admit
Hitler's Touchdown
EI (D)
The Sick Mind of Obama
The Intelliverse
Prebanic and the Giant Peach
The Third Park
Hound Dog's Revenge
Half Mast for Benito
My Writing
Legacy of the Spaniard Poacher
The Iincomplete Licky Chops Murder File
The Molecule Theme Park
Steal This Texas Schoolbook
The Dylan Telegram
King Day Musings
Lennon and Covid
Neo-Nativism 2021
Is Your Whorehouse Breeding Bolsheviks?
Scaring Suckers
Foolish Little Girl
The Occulted Bride
The synod steps
The derf document revisited
Mac's Letter to Muni
The Hammer of Atillaian Hubris
Play Threatened
The Ratline of John Lennon
Plan It from Doublecross United
Two Vids
Talk Video on JFK
The Chopzone Journal
The Coward Fripp is an Enemy of what my father stood for
Alvin and Gus
The Blushiing Dacoits
The Federal Bureau of Scapegoatology
NAACP - in the loop of the special project
Under Repa the Kronenbitter Cat Milkwood
The British Epstein Sinfield's Metaphor Agenda
The Axis Plan for American Children
The Pennsylvan Burea of Disappearances
Public Safety Defense for sworn affidavits
The Kennedy Murder Storybook
I donowu
Next Door Neighbor in Self-Quarantine
In the Wrong Hands
Wupac Injuncy
Commentary on the Telltale Clip 3
Yang Tension in Reading
Oddjob! Cato!
Station Management
Was De De in Me, Too?
White Bitch
With Hitler as Wet Nurse
Double Fantasy was a Final Solution
El Zombo
"Oi" for Yojimbo
300. Lisp of the Sariners
A Fistful of Dacoitery
Hinan no rinan wa kempeitai o hitogoroshi desune.
Where Eagles Mope
How Did Pgh. (Pittsburgh) Get Away With This?
Little Green Men from NASA
Can I Keanu You Up the River?
Hollywood God Macabre
Are ya sure ya ain't just a buzzardly dacoit?
Voice of the Sariners
290. Oath of the Numinous Sariners
The Sariners Strike Back
The Sariners
Old Friends/Bookends
German Incubation
"You'll Die Try'n Queerball"
The Trillion Star Maze
Haul In the Fiasco
The Great City of Boogala
Jimmy and the Illuminogarchy
280. The Summer of Inslee's Smokescreen
The Shah of Rock
"Knock That Puppet Down"
Who Wrote the Saoirse Chapter?
A Political Statement sort of
Ind. Study (w/o mentor) Update
The Carrot Tape
Free Smacks
2020: Dems, Republicans and Media Wizarads
270. A Symbol of White Privilege, myuh
The Cuppy White
Warriors! Warriors!
Doctors Without Borders in Laos
Was this the Excuse for the death of Saoirse?
The Kennedy Hostages
King Crimson's Whammy on Jimmuh Quee
The Hank Commentary
260. My Third Movie
Naked Nadia in DIVA
Russian Story
Chief Justice Ivanka
T'ee of Life
Me, Alpana, you Trump
The Epping of David Braunstein
Who Murdered Barry Godber?
Jimmy versus American Counter-Intelligence
Chippy Racoon
250. Brother
Update on Jay Inslee
They Gassed an American
Lennon's Cocaine Ploy in the AIDS Attack
Our Future History
Number Nothing
The Utility Grudge
The Vinyl Haole
Scandinavia Calling
240. President Goldfinger
AIDS Riot Control
In League With Urban Renewal
Sex With Intent to Kill
Houdini and the Rabbit
The Seattle Pornography Massacre
They Came Around (American Ruthlessness Under Donald Trump)
The Hmm of the Tainted Squint
Billy Hexagram
230. The NAACP: Services Rendered
Ten Little Victims of an Esoteric Police Circle
Noah's Slaughterhouse
The Ripper Casino
How Trump Made the New York Times into a Soldier of Fortune Magazine
The Noumena of Dealey Plaza
Donnie Chin
Spark Plugs
The Shoah Must Go On, myuh
Superfly Says No
220. Death Paper
What Michael Reagan Really Wants
A Privilege Broker Society
The Liberal Passenger
Test of the Grubervilles
There is No Slipknot - NO Slipknot
The Glass Pen
The Sentence from Long Knife
Advised of the Charges
The Kingdom of Genesis
210. Seance Ono Lennon (Sol Marks)
The Last Delusion of JC
Pissburgh, Penisvania
Dear Jayhawks and the Accused
A Trick of the Telltale
Mt. Last Temptation
Uncle Sam Assassinated
Megadeath on a Whimper
The Legendary 80's X-Termination Secret War
200. Jefferson Dixon
What Obama Let Slide
The Star Trek Ultimatum
Biography of a Living Dead Man
I Met Her at the Grocery Store
The Raven
Au-Au-Autism and Brutal Punishment of the Deaf
The Preachy Side of Jimmy Crary
190. Assault on a Little Queen
Now It's U.S. Now It's Oui
A Dreamer Burned in Seattle
The Winged Bomb
What a Tacoma Community College Honors Student is Saying
Duterte's Anomaly
Carte Blanche
Letter to Thrett Brown
Lumumba in Sensurround
A Treasury of Golden American Police Work
180. The Bright Side of Evil Idiocy
On Becoming Men Conference (4th Annual TCC)
Imagine Hitler Died
As Wolves Eye the Goodies
The Benificient Stabilizing Sanity of JFK, jr.'s Sparrowfall End Dive
The Criminally Insane
The JFK Situation 2019
The Adventure of Huck Finn
Thule and Yale
170. Grabby Peers Syndrome
Disasters of the Peace
Who Torched Notre Dame?
Rijuniev at the Quackedero
Pulp Fiction and Trauma
Chinese Crary's Imparadox
The Misreports of Hobby Stalkers
The Mae Brussels Question
What King Crimson did in Pittsburgh Public Schools
Queen Elizabeth's Name in Transylvania
160. Perpendicular to Miraculous
Letter to American Secretaries of State
Gloat of the Mockers
Being Deaf is Better
The House That Bruno Built
Calling All Cars
A Jay Inslee Presidency Will Lead to Civil War
The French Kiss of Oxford
Erasmus and the Fall of the Weimar Republic
The Hot Air from Pittsburgh
150. The Cartesian Djinn
Just Like Old Times, Dr. Wecht!
The Fake News Cyclotron
Is Schizophrenia Vandalism?
Ty Cobb, the Gentleman of Baseball
Siding With the Ayatollah
The Pervert Paradox
The Insane God of Buckingham Palace
Prison of Justification
140. The Licky Chops Murders
Los Shelob'os Web
To the Day when Youssou N'dour is caught and tried
Cardinal Leslie
Harpers Won't Tell
Follow the Lead
A Salt March on Ice
I'm Disappointed in You
The Math Department's Role in the AIDS Attack
130. The Sadist Filth at the FBI
Retro-Fascism and the Brexit of the Rolling Stones
Blood Debt to Protected Persons
A New Mac Crary Interview
A Theory about the Murder of Steven Adams
The Make Believe Man
Akrim Ionesco Modernity
By Religious Authority of Adolf Hitler
Peer Review and Extreme Measures
The Argumentizer'rate'r'ers
120. Gold Rushdie
The Legacy of Penis England
Still Your Turn?
The Sharps Mind of Amanda Harcourt
The Ends Means Kingpin
Pussyball Conscription
Diary of a Mad Concubine
Processing the Delusion-Mongering of "Double Fantasy"
A Letter to the Chronicle of Higher Education
110. On Facing Up to Failure in Math
Press Freedom
Pennsylvania Child Slavery Fundamentalism
British Backstabblery, Sowing of Internal Divisions to Weaken the US and Trickery is Nothing New
The Yemen Ferret
Snow Falling in Neurotrauma
The Joke's on Me
Tortured by Rapist Pigs
Penis Gabriel-Laval
100. Scapegloat
The Reality
The Racial Sadism of the Civil Rights Movement
The Unreturned Test
Operation: One Small Child
Story Checks Out
Wm. (didn't) Tell
The Negligence Scam
The Eunuch in a Tinfoil Hat
90. School of False Hopes
Foucault's Hemlock
A Deaf Man Who Never Had a Life
You Can't Kill Preference
Real Men and That
Union Bank and Abortion
Toxic Academia
No! You are NOT Thru the Looking Glass!
"What Can We Use Jimmy C. For?"
The British Humiliaters
80. The Prior A
Swastika Nuns
Man Up
Are You Looking For a Declaration of War?
The Twelve Commentaries (or Seven Voyayas)
The Axis Queers of Seattle
The Daughters of Nam
The Divine Obsession
70. Beelzebub's Tales of the Kennedy Assassination
The Zenker Xmas System
Ingenious, Old Boy
Update on the Murder of Donnie Chin
City Boy
Colonial Deception in the Neanderthal Myth
60. Of Mice and NASA
Massacre at Licky Chops
Donald Trump and The Carousel Club
Voices Next!
A Bastard Crime from Dealey Plaza
Half Hour Talk Video 6 mins. Global Warming and the AIDS attack
History is Sometimes News
It had better be tonight
50. Liberal Authority
The Holy Work of Poison
Letter for City Hall of Seven Counties
The Peace Man Who Was Given a Chance
Varmintology 101
The Hell Odyssey
Ode to a Defsukke: Gallery click image to advance
Ringo Starr's Theory of War
Good Letter, Bad Letter
The Troubadours of the Hidden Imam
40. The Angelas
A Voice from the Pyre of Now
Snow Falling in Pussyball
Thoughtwave Domination
The Big Picture
The Wanglers
The Beatles Atrocity
The Jagr Stovall Kaballah
White Rabbit, White Shadow
The Fly in God's Web
30. Zappenstein
Clyde Liverpool at the Trumpedero
The Flying Red Carpet
and a letter for you souls
Mouff and Bang
Meeting With Remarkable Douchebags
The Assassination of Dwight Eisenhower
The Cherry of Apple Ltd.
Potentate Theory
The Kennedy Sabines
20. Duke William by Mac Crary
The Babyland Mystery
Silver Rules and Len's Golden Jug
A Letter From a Kennedy Kid
Is the Coast Clear to Speak Up?
The current "politics" of the situation
The Oswald Who Wudda Be JFK
The Green Death Bed of Duzzledorf
I need to Friday but only have an hour today.
10. Louis, read this
The Truezone Layer
A New Introduction to my work: 2018
The Free Clinics of Auschwitz America
The Victim Slam
Is America England's Laboratory of War?
The Seattle Crocodiles
Nectar on a Pin
1. An Hour and a Half
New posts weekly.
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Link to Story checks out primary testimony blog about ripper murder, the Aids attack, torture, rape, media frame up and ongoing war crimes by the offices of peter gabriel after i went to these murderers for help from violent crime in pittsburgh after they misrepresented themselves as being from amnesty international. I am dealing with the criminally insane.
Lennon's Double Fantasy Was King Crimson's Defense